The results are in from a study on stressed Americans who never
truly get away while on vacation�-and they aren't that surprising.
Stress, for a variety of reasons, keeps many less inclined to really
relax. A study from the Westin Hotel Group who, for obvious reasons,
really wants people to relax and get away, found more than half the
workers they surveyed failed to take all their vacation days.
"They're too busy�, said Nancy London, a Vice President with Westin
Hotels. �They're often doing the job of two and three people in the
aftermath of cutbacks and they're simply too stressed out to get
time away" The research did find many benefits to leaving work at
work, even if just for an extended weekend. "The overwhelming
majority says that when they do get away, they feel healthier, they
eat better, they sleep better and when they get back to work,
they're far more productive", said London. The best advice possible:
start planning your next time off the day you return you work.